Read Welcome To Room #305! Manga
Welcome to Room 305
Welcome To Room 305 by WANAN tells the story of regular college freshman, Kim Jung Hyun, who ends up boarding with a friend of a friend, Kim Homo… who is also gay. Disliking this immensely, Jung Hyun tries to manage but after a day (and finding out how much Hom knows about him) runs away, only to have Hom find him again – telling him he’s only trying to look after Jung Hyun as a favour from their mutual friend, Sung Joong Hyung.
Jung Hyun decides to stay for only a month but continues to have problems with Hom’s personality and sexuality, which ends up to be the least of his worries as trouble seems to find him.
This work isn’t a Boys Love comic, it was always intended to clear up queer stereotypes and help heterosexuals try to understand queer people. (Apparently some viewers were confused).
It can be read here in English and here in its original Korean.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: When Yoon Sung accidentally punched a woman, people got very upset and he got kicked out of the pub. When his sister, Yoona, punched and bruised him to the point he didn’t want to go out of the house, nobody batted an eyelid.
- All Gays Are Promiscuous: One of the stereotypes that gets knocked down in the tenth chapter.
- Bad Liar: Jung Hyun, as he’s a very honest person, cannot tell a lie and easily slips up. Welcome To Room #305!
- The Beard: Mina is one to Hom, so Sung Joong would believe he was straight.
- Camp Gay: Hom is mildly flamboyant. Double subverted, when Jung Hyun believes he is only acting gay as a joke and, of course, it turns out he was only pretending to be straight as a joke.
- On the other hand, Hom’s friends say that they often forget he is gay and Jung Hyun slowly comes around to thinking on a similar level.
- He is also pretending to be Camp Straight towards Sung Joong.
- Coming Out Story: Hom comes out at the very start, but keeps switching about whether or not it’s all a big joke. It isn’t, but Sung Joong believes it is.
- Cute Little Fangs: Yoon Song sports a pair. As does his sister, Yoona.
- Death Glare: Yoon Sung loves these. His face is permanently glaring.
- Gay Aesop: Jung Hyun’s hypocritical and homophobic behaviour hits him pretty hard in chapter 12 when he wonders why Hom is acting strange around him after he pretends to be gay.
- Girl Next Door: Rose, the girl Jung Hyun has a crush on.
- Half-Identical Twins
- Heroic BSOD: Played for Laughs in chapter forty-three, when Yoona mistakes Jung Hyun as Yoon Sung’s boyfriend. He flies off into space.
- The Inner Reveal: Sung Joong learning that Hom really is gay.
- Keeping Secrets Sucks
- Lethal Chef: Hom puts honey in everything.
- Mistaken for Gay: Jung Hyun presumes all of Hom’s friends are gay… he’s a slow learner.
- In chapter forty-three Yoon Sung (in the middle of a fight with his sister) says he’s dating Jung Hyun. She meets him and asks him to end his relationship.
- Must Make Amends: Jung Hyun likes to do this after he makes mistakes (which happens a lot). His whole relationship with Sun Joong is based on the fact that Jung Hyun caused his leg to become useless.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Yoon Sung calls the woman in chapter sixteen by the wrong name, subverting a generally sweet scene.
- Yoon Sung gets nobody’s name right, referring to Jung Hyun as Joong Hyun and then Hyun Joong.
- Naked Apron
- Odd Couple: Hom, who never wipes his mouth while eating and wears very outlandish clothing, next to Jung Hyun, who is very clean and dresses ordinarily.
- Queer People Are Funny: Jung Hyun and his friends make jokes about Hom and queer people in general.
- “The Reason You Suck” Speech: Yoon Sung delivers a heavy one in chapter fourteen.
- Transvestite: Jung Hyun asks Hom’s female friends outright if they’re men or women.
- Then there’s Yoon Sung. Subverted when it’s revealed that he has a twin sister.
- Straight Gay: Yoon Sung.
- Sunglasses At Night: Hom never takes off his sunglasses.
- Symbol Swearing
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Sun Joong and Hom in type 1. It doesn’t last after Hom comes out to him.
- Jung Hyun and Hom after Jung Hyun moves back in again become type 1 as well.
A regular college freshman Kim Jung Hyun and his roommate Kim Homo are polar opposites and friends. It’s a story that deals with many sensitive topics with a dash of humor.
Alternative Titles